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Kln. Bay


工作內容 :

Responsible for driving Light/Medium Goods Vehicle (9 tones or less), assist in loading and unloading cargo and container work, cleaning and maintenance of vehicles; Report duty and pick up vehicle in Kowloon Bay
薪金 :

每月$14,000 - $14,500, 有超時工作津貼, 年假10-18天, 生日假, 在職培訓, 醫療福利, 員工購物優惠 及獎勵...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 3; 3 Year(s) Experience Required; Fair Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write English ; 需持有效輕型(2)/中型(18)貨車駕駛執照; 良好駕駛紀錄; 熟悉香港各區之街道; 具3年或以上相關經驗


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